Sickness, Travels, Cooking and life

So I haven’t blogged in months! Crazy. Where have I been? Well here is a little update on our lives.

My boys have been sick on and off with things for like 2 months- from allergies, to teething to a horrible viral rash, to ear infections, to stomach bugs. Here is the picture of the rash, yikes! Thankfully we had a very kind friend who is a dermatologist who saved the day when they had been misdiagnosed and treated and it was getting worse.

My toddlers rash, and this wasn't even the worse of it :(

My toddler’s rash, and this wasn’t even the worst of it 🙁

Extra snuggles from sick babies :)

Extra snuggles from sick babies 🙂

This picture was taken right before the throw up came :/ and we were wondering why he wouldn't smile for it! Then we were up with the baby all that night with the same thing.

This picture was taken right before the throw up came :/ and we were wondering why he wouldn’t smile for it! Then we were up with the baby all that night with the same thing.

I went to Vermont to see my best friend with my sick baby in tow so it was not exactly the trip we had planned but I was so grateful to get to see her and her family and see all the Lord is doing in their church plant in New England.

Her husband blessed us by watching the boys one afternoon and we enjoyed the town :)

Her husband blessed us by watching the boys one afternoon and we enjoyed the town 🙂

I started assisting my dad with real estate and there was a couple weeks that were busy with that. Along with work training.

My husband has been working A TON lately. He is such a diligent and hard worker yet intentional in crazy times like that to still take a break to bathe the boys and put them to bed before working again. So during busy seasons the boys don’t notice and I don’t feel utterly exhausted after dinner and baths and bed. Thankful for his job and for strength to get through busy and stressful seasons.

My hero and my love

My hero and my love

Been cooking a TON lately with different events and needs coming up, and trying to get the baby to gain back his weight after being sick, which is a task in itself :).

Real life with the mess among the food.

Real life with the mess among the food.

My sister in law who broke her ankle several weeks before giving birth has had just some craziness, she and my brother have had such sweet spirits in the midst of some really stressful days since she has a toddler, a newborn and is healing from having a baby and is in a wheel chair because of the ankle. So we have had the privilege to get some extra snuggles in with with the newborn or get to hang out with their precious toddler who my boys adore! So needless to say its been a crazy time for my extended family with that.

My adorable new newphew

My adorable new nephew

My big boy LOVED having his cousin sleep in his room.

My big boy LOVED having his cousin sleep in his room.

More cousin love

More cousin love


I enjoyed a Christmasy evening touring homes with my Grandma and Mom complete with a yummy drink.IMG_4381

So I say all this to say, its been one busy season but one the Lord is teaching us a lot through. Its a good thing for us to go through our kids having little sicknesses because it makes us appreciate our health and our happy babies and also makes me realize how I have some friends who daily deal with a terminal illness with their children and it makes me pray more for them and realize how exhausted and depleted they must feel.

It also was a great reminder of the brokenness of our bodies and this world. We weren’t made to be perfect and feel wonderful all the time. There is hardship, sickness and trials we all go through and it makes us seek the Lord more and He teaches us so much through those hard times if we just are still enough to listen. Its a reminder for me that my focus should not be just on the health of my family or fine tuning all my babies skills 🙂  but my MAIN goal should be the shaping of their souls which last forever. Sometimes I need exhausting seasons to remind me of eternity and my desperate need for HIM. What have you been up to lately? Are you asking the Lord to teach you in your season?











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