I don’t know about you, but I am blessed with world changing friends–people whose lives revolve around their mission and who daily see the fruit of their work. I have friends who work with sex trafficking victims and refugees, friends involved in politics, missionaries to foreign fields all over the world, ones who work with orphanages, some who plant churches, others who sing on large stages, others who speak to thousands every night. You get the picture. These people are making a difference and are focused on their purpose and calling.
Then there is me. You could say that I clean, cook, do laundry, change diapers, and grow babies for a living. That doesn’t sound world changing or making a big eternal impact, but it is. I’m not just doing all that physically, I’m doing a lot in the spiritual realm as well. You see, as moms I think we forget about the amazing and most useful thing that anyone could ever do to further the kingdom: PRAY.
This week as I was praying for one of my dearest friends who is on the front battle field in sex trafficking, I was thinking about how incredible it was that she is playing such an amazing role in these ladies’ lives to come to Christ. The Lord convicted me and reminded me that the greatest thing in life that I could ever do for her and her mission is to pray. He also challenged me to pray more and be more consistent to seek Him in all things throughout the day.
Right now I can’t move to Africa, I can’t build orphanages with my hands or lead 5 bible studies. In fact, I’m not even allowed to take my kids on a walk right now per doctor’s orders. But I CAN pray. No matter if I’m folding laundry, sauteing onions or sweeping for the 10th time that day I can intercede and be on the field with my friends. And that is important. I can teach my children how to pray for others and teach them that it’s the greatest thing you can do. I can stay consistent and intentional with my thoughts and prayers.
I can ask the Lord to give me an eternal mindset throughout the day so that I view my children not through the lens of the next 100 years but for eternity–how to prepare them and myself for forever–because this world is such a short, short season in light of eternity.
No matter what season you are in, we can all be world changers as we intercede and ask the Lord to work. Even when you are exhausted, depleted and feel worthless the Lord just wants your heart lined up with His in prayer.
Oh Father help me be faithful to labor with my brothers and sisters on the battlefield and give me wisdom to train up the next generation of warriors for Your kingdom.